About us
The Collectif Interassociatif Sur la Santé brings together a wide variety of non-profit organizations with complementary approaches to health issues, including associations representing patients, the disabled, consumers, families and the elderly.
Our will to gather these different approaches lead to the creation of the CISS in 1996, giving it the credibility to represent and defend health care users’ common interests, beyond any particularism.
Our main objectives
- Representing and defending common interests of all health system users is one of our priorities.
- Training representatives of health care users who sit in hospital and public health bodies to help them play an active role by making their involvement both recognized and relevant.
- Observing and continuously monitoring the efficiency and the equity of the health system, analyzing issues, defining common strategies to obtain better care and management of patients.
- Informing health system users about their rights in terms of access to health care facilities and professionals as well as welfare organisations (public and private health insurance).
Communicating our findings and our demands in order to consolidate the CISS’ status as a top actor representing health system users in order to advocate in the strongest possible way for them to receive the optimal care.
Regional CISS
The CISS is active throughout France, as well as in French overseas departments and territories via its regional CISS.
Key dates
1996 – Creation of the CISS (including 15 member associations). Writing of the interassociative platform.
1997 – Participation of members of the CISS in 11 ANAES working groups in order to establish referentials that will be used for the accreditation procedure of health establishments. Establishment of a working group on insurability for people with an increased health “risk”.
1998 – Writing of the first edition of the Guide for the representative of health care users in health establishments. 5 000 copies of the guide were handed out.
1999 – Participation of the CISS in the Caniard group on the role of users in the health system. Participation in the national health summit.
2000 – Participation in numerous meetings with the ministry of health regarding the preparation of the bill on patients’ rights. Creation of the CISS website.
2002 – Followup of the bill on patients’ rights and quality of the health system until it was adopted, including the publication of several press releases on this topic.
2004 – Participation of the CISS member associations to the meetings organised by the Ministry of Health during the writing of the bills on health insurance and on the public health policy. The CISS starts being represented at the council of the CNAMTS and . Le CISS siège au Conseil de la CNAMTS (Employees’ health insurance national fund) and gathers 24 associations. The CISS was registered as an association under the French law of 1901.
2005 – First national information and training day for health care users in Commissions Régionales de Conciliation et d’Indemnisation (CRCI). Second national meeting of actors of the interassociative organisations.
2006 – Permanent national coordination : Marc Morel becomes executive director of the CISS. First signature of the network contract and label in regions with an objective of having a Collectif Interassociatif Sur la Santé in each region.
March 2007 – Fifth anniversary of the law passed on the 4th of March 2002 regarding patients’ rights and health system quality.
September 2007 – Election of Christian Saout as president of the CISS.
December 2007 – First user representatives day organised by the CISS with the publication of the CISS user representative repesatory.
March 2008 – Two new associations join the CISS, bringing the total number of members to 29.
July 2008 – Publication of our white paper entitled Health : changing programme! For a rebuilding of our health social pact.
July 2008 – Three new associations join the CISS, bringing the total number of members to 32.
January 2009 – Fusion of UFCS (Union féminine civique et sociale) and Familles rurales, bringing the total number of member associations to 31.
April 2009 – A new association, Doctors of the World joins the CISS.
September 2009 – Our organisation welcomes a new member : the UNAFTC (Union nationale des associations de Familles de traumatisés crâniens et cérébrolésés) bringing the total number of members to 33.
June 2010 – The CISS accept Aînés Ruraux’s request to join, bringing the total number of members to 34 (including patient, disabled, family, consumers, retired people and the elderly).
June 2011 – Three new associations join the CISS, bringing the total number of members to 37.
June 2012 – Two new associations join the CISS : Autisme France and Visite des Malades en Etablissements Hospitaliers (VMEH). Allegro Fortissimo is no longer member of our association.
Dec. 2012 – Two new associations join the CISS : the Fédération des Stomisés de France (FSF) and the Union pour la lutte contre la sclérose en plaques (UNISEP). The CISS has now 39 member associations.
2013 – Election of Claude Rambaud as president of the CISS.
March 2014 – Renaloo joins the CISS, composed by 40 members.
May 2014 – Danièle Desclerc-Dulac is the new president of the CISS.
September 2015 – Two associations (AFVD and UNAPECLE) join the CISS, composed by 42 members.